Tuesday 30 March 2010

It's been a while

Well it's been a while and quite eventful as well - Karen and I have got back together, and are now in the reems of splitting up again - christ is life never simple with that girl. I love her so much - but I can't go on being made to feel this way, it's just not fair. Guess I should end it - but there is a glimer of hope, but should I really hold on to something so tentative???

I got the job - Field Sales Manager Mirror Group Newspapers. Been doing it for about 6 weeks now and is going well - apart from John H have a go at me today about City Airport, that man can be such a fucking caveman for someone who is supposed to be a director!

It's coming up to easter and I have a week off - me and K were supposed to go to the Lakes together - but she's going by herself now. I'm still going up to see Pete and Andrea though. Thinking if the weather improves that I'll take the bike up.

Lee and Ali have brought a house - so I guess they won't be around for long. Now have to debate if I really want a lodger or not. Has it's pluses and minuses, would rather have someone I know but will have to wait and see. It's not like I really need the money and I enjoy my own space - but I also like the company sometimes.

Right I'm off to running club tonight - did a quick 4 miler this morning so will be interesting to see how my legs hold up tonight.

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Interview day

Well today was supposed to be interview day for the Field Sales Managers position - but the snow has come down hard in the South and it's been postponed till next Tuesday - which works out well as I'm in London for Nickys leaving do that night anyway. Trouble is not much work to do today - so am bored!!!

Went to Monikas last night (Phd student - international business and education), after our date on Monday evening. Ended up staying the night, but my bloody brain keep comparing her to Karen - need to get her out of my head. Strangely when I woke this morning there was a message from Karen on my phone - she'd gone off on one (again) the other day and was apologising!! Blamed it on being ill and still hurting - like i'm not!

Anyway date with the elusive 'M' tomorrow lunchtime, so will also see how that goes. Monika and I know there is no future as she'll be disappearing again with her studies later this year - live for the moment thou that's what I say.

I need to get out and run - it's been a week now due to this weather!!! I'm starting to get very restless.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

2010 - here we come.

OK - I try and do this every year, start a record of whats happening in life so someone, somewhere one day will read it.

had a date last night with Monika - great fun, well educated and 7 years my junior. But we had a great time - she's mad as a box of frogs but very enjoyable company. Meet ut side the Forum and went for a few drinks in Davies and The Dog House - shared a cab home and managed a brief kiss in the back seat!!

Looks like this will head to date number 2. Looking forward to it.

Right I need to work - have an interview tomorrow and I've not prepared a single thing. Typical.

Tuesday 3 February 2009

It's 2009 - time to start that diary

Welcome back! A lot has happend since my last entry, well it has been over a year. The divorce is now finalised and I've brougth the house back - so here I am, now working from home in an industry that's dying on it's arse due to the current economic climate.
Well guess I'll just have to ride it out like everyone else and see how things are onthe other side. I really need to start training to do some other type of work, but I'm buggered if I know what to do. Really do need to start wrappiong my mind round it.
Have thought about becoming a running coach and starting a running club in Dussindale. There appears to be lots of runners around here, so there maybe a chance to set something up - as normal though I need to get off my backside and do something about it.
It's 8:30am and Tracey is on her way over with the children. Their school was closed yesterday and Harrison wasn't feeling well - and now Lily is complaining of a headache this morning, so she wants to keep them off school today.
It'll be really good to have them here - althoug I do need to try and do some work. Guess I'll have to fit my run in after they've gone back later.
Supposed to be going to Karen's tonight, however not sure how things lie with her at the moment. I know she's been very busy with work trying to close the Radius study - so lets hope things ease up after Friday. We're off to the lakes the following weekend for a few days of walking and relaxing, so guess that might be make or break time. We'll see. She still doesn't know that I've been married twice - so need to cross that bridge at some point - maybe it's a physcological things from my perspective - holding some type of bomb back with which I can ruin the relationship and blame myself - who knows!!

Monday 24 December 2007

Christmas Eve

It's been a while since my last entry, well 2 weeks to be exact! and a lot of things have happened. Meet Leza, no point - to far away and to young. Drank far to much, believe me how easy it would have been to slip into old ways - and for a couple of days I did, knowing I'd had enough but drinking more anyway. But then it doesn't get rid of the blackness, in fact it makes it worse - oh it makes it easier to go to sleep but then you wake up even more tired because the sleep is poor.

Walked in Tesco a couple of weekends ago and straight in Tracey and her new boyfriend. Then I felt it despair busting into pain, regret exploding into anger, loneliness turning into jealously - oh I wanted to kill this guy, wanted to tear him apart, wanted to see so much the look of fear on his face, wanted him to know exactly how I felt. But then is it his fault, all he's done is meet someone who happens to be my wife, mother of my children, the woman who is trying to squeeze everything from me. Is it her fault, she felt unloved by me, made the decision to move on with her life wanting to find someone to love her back - no at the end of it all it's my fault. But how do you turn blame back in on yourself - simply you don't, you can't or else you self destruct. No the anger has to be vented to someone else, or something else.

Saturday this week - financial statement from her solicitor, oh she wants the lot - expects me to sign the house over to her. Like fuck, she wants a battle, then she'll get one. Expects to move her boyfriend in and live off me then they can both think again. It's time to fight fire with fire.

Spent most of the day yesterday with Siobhan. Ex-lover, now friend - I couldn't stop the blackness and tears again. She comforted me, told me she was there for me, would help me through every step of the way. She's been through it so having the other side of the argument will help. But I can't keep leaning on people, can keep telling them my problems and feelings - I'll just end up dragging everyone down to my level of despair.

Christmas eve today - 12 years since Tracey and I first meet. A pub in Norwich, me out with mate (drunk), her with sister and cousins. I remember kissing her at the bar - I remember waking up the next morning in a state. Couldn't remember exactly what had happened, then it started coming back to me. This beautiful woman that I had been kissing, and talking to - now she shares those lips with someone else!!

12 years, 2 children, 3 houses, countless cars, 3 or 4 motorbikes, holidays, friends, dinners, drinks, cuddles, making love, going to sleep with our noses touching. Remembering being needed - now no more. Destination ?????

Monday 10 December 2007

Another Week starts

So it's Monday. My children went again this morning after our normal weekend together. I dropped them off at school,walked both to their classrooms to make sure they were happy and settled. The normal mum's doing their thing - the same as me, Traceys friends - not looking, avoiding talking - maybe it's in my head - maybe I don't blame them.
What have they been told by my ex-wife, the thoughts haunt me but why should they. I have no need for these women, they mean nothing to me, they do not have a direct affect on my world or what I do within it. But there it is, banging on the inside of my brain 'they all think you are a loser, that's what she's told them!!', 'they have all laughed together about your sexual prowess, had a real giggle over it - no wonder they smile when they see you - it's pity'. Ok these women are not thinking any of these things, and if they are what can I do about it - you just smile, say hello, pretend everything is great and wander off. More thoughts you don't want or need floating around - ready to pop up when you are at either a high or low point - bringing you back to earth with a heavy slap.

Home again, working. I force myself into the children's room. Look at their empty beds, and the empty room - devoid of life until the weekend roles around again. God I miss them so much, it's like a fist gripping my insides squeezing until it forces the tears from my eyes, it's a normal Monday morning reaction. I cry until I tell myself to pull it together. Knowing that my actions have ripped apart lives that I can't even possibly start to put right. How will it affect my son and daughter in the years to come, how has it affected Tracey, how is it / will it continue to affect me? 4 lives - my responsibility, the weight on my shoulders, the thoughts in my head. Easier if I wasn't here - maybe, I've had those thoughts in the blackest of moments. Everyone will forget me in time, the children are young enough they'll survive. But in the end I am the coward who can't pull myself into doing it, maybe if it was the first time again - with Lesa when she left. The drink took over then, too much drink. Waking in the morning reaching for a bottle or a can. Hoping to drown it out - those voices again calling out to me - 'you're not good enough, never have been, never will be - doesn't matter how hard you try you'll never be a person that anyone will want'.

Where does it stem from - who knows? I guess we have to look back to childhood. An absent father - oh not through divorce, no he was always away working and when he was home he didn't want to be with me - no the golf course, or the pub. I was never good enough for my father - he always wanted to be somewhere else, not with me. I suppose the loneliness started there - withdrawing. I guess the selfishness started there as well, the sulks, the tantrums, the destruction - anything to gain his attention - even when he was angry at me, at least he was directing himself to me.

My mother, well I can never remember her saying she loved me. Oh I'm sure she did, but for some reason my memory has blocked it all out - why has my head done that? Why would I think such a thing, unless of course it's true. At least she was around, well for the most part.

I looked again at those beds which the children had been sleeping in not a few hours earlier. I remember the warmth of the blankets as I made the beds after they got up, the warmth of those bodies, so much to experience, so much to touch, taste, hear, see and smell - I hope to god that what I have done will never taint those senses. I want them to see the world with new awe everyday - not be sceptical and closed about it.

Regret - a hopeless Feeling.

Regret – it is such a hopeless feeling.

Words taken from ‘Fragile Edge – lost on Everest’ Maria Coffey.

Some combination of word’s evoke the meaning of your life at that moment in time. Reading the above book written by the lover of a man who lost his life trying to reach the summit of the biggest mountain in the world via a difficult route, these words presented themselves on a page. She is retracing his last steps and aiming for the advance base camp to see the last place her true love was seen.

Regret is a hopeless feeling. You can’t stop it reaching into your conscious mind and starting to destroy however you are feeling at that time. It starts of so innocently, a distant memory recaptured, the though of a loving embrace for the person you are missing, remembering the good times you had together. Then regret strikes, winding around all your thoughts like an unravelling boa constrictor. Regret that you won’t be there together in the future to capture those moments again together. Knowing that those future memories - yet to be created - will be between your past lover, friend, partner and someone else.

True you will, in time, create these feelings with someone else yourself, but that doesn’t stop the regret closing in. And from regret the other feelings of hopelessness start to arise – pain, anger, frustration, self pity, the loneliness of missing someone you have been with for a lot of years. All of these emotions come together to drag you into a dark void of nothingness.