Wednesday, 7 March 2007

Oh those aching legs

Well after Sunday I thought Tuesday run should be nice and easy so I went for a 6.3 mile jog around Excel. The idea was to keep my heart rate in my zone 3 (below 148 BPM, which is fairly easy on the flats and down hills, but a little more difficult on the ups. Still it turned out to be a nice run with the Sun shining and the effort nice and light.
The silly thing was that when I checked my performance afterwards I noticed that I had managed to run 7:55 min miles as an average - the time I was aiming for on Sunday!!

Today (Weds 7th), I did the same run again with Bob (Peers), my training partner at work. we ran the same route but up'ed the pace getting round in a total time of 49:17 - an average of 7:30 m/m (average HR 153BPM. We were going to push through and do a 10 mile loop but I decided to wimp out as my legs are still feeling heavy after Sundays run.

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